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Exploring Career Paths in Occupational Medicine Webinar, 8 June 2024

We recently hosted a highly successful webinar titled ‘Exploring Career Paths in Occupational Medicine,’ which provided an in-depth look into this dynamic specialty. This event, organized by COEHA, aimed to support capacity building in occupational health across Africa and the Middle East.
Webinar Highlights:

Introduction to Occupational Medicine: Dr. Hader Mousa kicked off the webinar by introducing COEHA and outlining the purpose of the session.

Personal Experience in Occupational Medicine: Dr. Mutasim Mohamed shared his journey to becoming an Occupational Medicine specialist, offering valuable insights from his personal experiences.

Academia and Professional Qualification: Dr. Mohamed Musa discussed the best of both worlds in an interview, highlighting the integration of academic achievements with professional qualifications.

Experience from the United States: Dr. Enass Awad provided perspectives on practicing Occupational Medicine in the United States.

Middle East Experience: Dr. Aaesha Hashem, a leading figure in the field in the UAE and the Middle East, highlighted her experiences, showcasing the unique challenges and opportunities in the region.

Vision for the Future: Dr. Lanre Ogunyemi, President of the Society of Occupational Medicine (SOM) UK, brought it all together with his vision for the future of Occupational Medicine.

Interactive Q&A Session: Participants engaged in a lively Q&A session, gaining further insights and advice from the panel of experts.

Final Thoughts: Dr. Omer El Nagieb concluded the webinar with closing remarks, emphasizing the importance of continuing education and professional development in this field.

This free webinar provided participants with valuable insights from seasoned professionals, explored a wide array of opportunities within the field, and highlighted the pivotal role of Occupational Medicine practitioners in promoting health, preventing injuries, and enhancing productivity in workplaces. Attendees also received career guidance and networking opportunities, making this an invaluable event for those interested in this rewarding specialty.

We extend our gratitude to our esteemed panelists

For those who missed the live session, a recording of the webinar will be available HERE